Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Winnipeg Police Service News Release


  Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

The Winnipeg Police Service River Patrol Unit would like to remind the public that given the mild weather conditions recently, thin ice and open water is present on our rivers and retention ponds.  All waterways are considered to be unsafe as ice thickness can be very unpredictable.
Parents, guardians and teachers are asked to remind children of the dangers involving cold water and thin ice.  This is an extremely dangerous time as open water on the rivers is swift and very cold.
Members of the public are asked to refrain from venturing near any bodies of water as rivers banks can be slippery.   
ARSON INVESTIGATION- ARREST              R12-21962
On March 3rd, 2012 members of the Winnipeg Police Service Arson Unit entered into an investigation regarding six separate deliberately set fires that had occurred at casinos on Regent Avenue and McPhillips Street. With the assistance of investigators from the Manitoba Lotteries Corporation, a suspect male was identified. 
These small fires occurred between February 25th, 2012 and March 2nd, 2012, with property damage estimated at $1600.
The investigation also revealed that on February 25th, 2012, damage estimated at $8,000 occurred within the casino on Regent Avenue. 
On March 10th, 2012, a 49 year old male turned himself into police. 
Doug PORISKY, 49 years of Winnipeg has been charged with the 
following offences for his alleged involvement in these incidents: 
-       Arson disregard for human life x 6
-       Arson damage to property x 6
-       Mischief over $5000
He has been detained in custody. 

For further information contact either:
Constable Natalie Aitken, Public Information Officer
Constable Jason Michalyshen, Public Information Officer

Office: (204)986-3061
Fax: (204) 986-3267
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Jeff Carnahan
Skype: ToOhFo

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