Thursday, May 3, 2012

Winnipeg Police Service News Release:


 Thursday, May 3, 2012

In 2009, Iain Kenneth SMY, 49 years, was arrested in Ontario by members of the Brandon Police Service for Sexual Assault X 9. The offenses occurred in Brandon, Manitoba area between 1984 and 1988. The victims have been identified as males between the ages of 11 and 15 years of age.
After his arrest, Iain SMY was released on bail however, failed to attend Court in July 2010, which resulted in a Canada Wide Warrant being issued for his arrest. Investigators suspected that SMY may have fled the country.
The Manitoba Integrated Warrant Apprehension Unit, which was formed in September 2011, was requested to attempt to locate SMY, by Brandon Police Service.
Investigators from the Integrated Warrant Unit confirmed that SMY had indeed left Canada and fled to Europe. Working with Interpol and several other European Police Agencies, investigators were able to track SMY's travels while out of Canada. .
Shortly after 9:00 a.m., on April 30, 2012, Spanish National Police located Iain SMY in a residence in Malaga, Spain. SMY was taken into custody on the strength of the Manitoba Warrant. SMY has been detained at a remand facility in Madrid, while an application for his extradition is made.
SMY is expected to be returned to Manitoba, where he can be brought before the Courts to answer the charges of Sexual Assault X 9. 
On May 1, 2012, members of the East District Crime Unit, with the assistance of the Street Crime Unit and Uniform Patrol members became involved in a stolen vehicle investigation.
At approximately 9:25 p.m., officers attended to a residence located in the 400 block of Ferry Road at which time an adult male was placed under arrest.
During the course of the investigation, officers observed a quantity of marihuana within the home, resulting in a search warrant being executed. The following items were located and seized:
  • 1.5 kg of marihuana – estimated street value of $15,000.00
  • Shotgun
  • Handgun
  • A quantity of ammunition
  • Brass knuckles
  • $7500.00 cash
  • Gun holster
  • Drug paraphernalia
  • Electric guitar
Lorne Wayne CORLETT, 43 years has been charged with the following offences due to his alleged involvement:
  • Unauthorized Possession of a Weapon
  • Careless Use of Firearm, Weapon, Ammunition x 2
  • Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm (No Licence) x 2
  • Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm (No Registration) x 2
  • Possession of Prohibited or Restricted Firearm/Ammunition
  • Possession of Weapon for Dangerous Purpose x 2
  • Possessing Substance for the Purpose of Trafficking (Marihuana)
  • Possess Proceeds of Crime
  • Possess Property Obtained by Crime Over $5000.00 (Trafficking)
  • Possess Property Obtained by Crime Under $5000.00
He was detained.
On May 3, 2012, at approximately 1:30 a.m., officers responded to a convenience store located in the 600 block of Watt Street regarding a robbery incident.
A 26 year old male clerk was confronted by a lone male suspect who began demanding cigarettes. A quantity of cigarettes was obtained at which time the suspect fled the store. The clerk was not injured as a result of the incident.
The suspect is described as: Male, Aboriginal in appearance, 25-30 years of age, 5'7" tall, 155-175 lbs., medium build and clean shaven.
The investigation is continuing by members of the Major Crimes Unit. Anyone with information regarding this matter is asked to contact police at 204-986-6219 or CrimeStoppers at 204-786-TIPS (8477).
On May 3, 2012, at approximately 5:50 a.m., officers responded to a convenience store located in the 1800 block of Henderson Highway regarding a robbery incident.
A 52 year old female clerk was confronted by two male suspects, one of which was in possession of a knife. A quantity of cigarettes was obtained and the suspects fled the store. No one was injured.
The suspects are described as:
#1 - Male, Aboriginal in appearance, late 30's, early 40's, heavy build and pocked mark face.
#2 – Male, Aboriginal in appearance.
The investigation is continuing by members of the Major Crimes Unit. Anyone with information regarding this matter is asked to contact police at 204-986-6219 or CrimeStoppers at 204-786-TIPS (8477).

For further information contact either:
Patrol Sgt. Monica Stothers, Public Information Officer
Constable Jason Michalyshen, Public Information Officer

Office: (204)986-3061
Fax: (204) 986-3267
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